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Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging

We acknowledge that people are our most important asset, and we strive to create an environment that fosters excellence, promotes our values and encourages diversity.

Management approach

Diversity is a business imperative in Scatec as it enables better decision making and increased value creation. A focus on diversity is forward-looking and development orientated, reflecting the market and society’s expectations as well as assist in solving societal challenges whilst contributing to higher participation in the workplace.

Scatec nourishes its culture with a high awareness of diversity and inclusion across the Company, demonstrated by Management and the Executive Leadership. The Company embraces diversity and inclusion within its policies, practices and procedures including the recruitment process, performance and rewards, learning and development programmes.

Scatec’s People 2025 strategy supports future growth in existing and new regions and technologies. In the upcoming years, we will continue to invest in our employees focusing on teams and individuals, connecting employees from across the globe, and recruiting the best talent to our teams. 

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Several key initiatives aligned to our People 2025 strategy were implemented during 2022. The initiatives spanned across hiring processes, performance and reward programmes, and learning and development opportunities. Refer to our corporate website for more information on our working environment.

Strengthen our organisation

Prioritise recruitment of resources in focus markets

Develop our leadership pipeline across regions and functions

Build new and enhance existing competency areas

Attract and develop our people

Develop a leading employer brand to secure long-term acces to talents

Offer unique career opportunities promoting growth and development

Build broader learning initiatives

Reinforce our culture

Stay agile as we grow

Nurture enterprise leadership to secure organisational flexibility

Enhance Scatec values in all people processes

Embed equity, diversity, inclusion and digitalisation

Build an industry- leading P&O function to drive support initiatives

GRI disclosures

GRI 401-1: New employee hires and employee turnover

Scatec strives to appoint employees with professional skills, competencies and behaviours that will enable the continued international growth and development of the Company and the company culture, and that encourages a long-term relationship between the Company and the employee.

When determining whether a candidate is suitable for a relevant position within the Company, consideration will be given to the candidate’s skills, experience and their values. Emphasis will be placed on ensuring a match between the individual candidate’s values with the Company values and its culture.

Permanent and temporary employee numbers for 2022 are provided in the tables below:

Permanent employment541237778
Temporary employment10145146
Permanent employment2552429210683778
Temporary employment87540122146
New hires (Full time)20222021
Under 3052 33
Over 501113
Men 134109
New hires (Full time)6349294718206

The turnover, broken down by age group and gender, is provided in the table below:

Under 3011.8%1.2%
Over 502.7%3.9%
Men 6.0%6.1%

Turnover is not disclosed per region.

GRI 404-2: Programmes for upgrading employee skills 

We offer global career opportunities. In our roles we are exposed to various disciplines, technologies and projects within several geographical locations. This exposure gives employees the opportunity to learn and develop competencies and at an accelerated pace. A key element in developing our people is investing in an extensive learning portfolio. Our learning programs and initiatives spans across many areas:

  • Onboarding: We have implemented mandatory e-learnings, gamified trainings and face-to-face meetings to ensure new starters get a good overview of our business and processes and learn about our company culture from day one.
  • Competence development: We have a competence development framework and run targeted functional trainings to close gaps, as well as initiatives like Learn@Lunch to strengthen business understanding for all.
  • Culture awareness: We invest in cultural trainings across multiple platforms for project teams, functional teams and leaders, including an online cultural active tool. We believe in enabling colleagues to learn about each other’s cultures, to create understanding and appreciation for each other’s differences and thereby foster better collaboration.
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) training: We have started mandatory DEIB learning programs for leaders and awareness training for all.
  • Leadership development: We have run a global leadership development program for senior leaders, Masterclasses on leadership for all leaders and Masterclasses on performance development topics for all. We have one-on-one external coaching for nominated leaders, as well as management team development sessions. 
  • Graduate program: For the third year we are in South-Africa running a yearlong graduate program across various departments. The purpose is to create work experience opportunities, as well as foster skilled and motivated young talents into our workforce. From 2023 we’re adding a Bursary program for under- and post graduate studies. 


Our mandatory training is presented below:

Customised online learning: Our online learning was further strengthened in 2022 through new and improved gamified courses added to the online learning platform available to all employees. All employees are required to complete mandatory onboarding and training. Hours for all gamified and other mandatory trainings totaled 3,155 in 2022. 

Learn@Lunch: In 2022, we continued with our online Learn@Lunch sessions where 17 opportunities were provided to all employees to gain a greater understanding of key topics in our organisation. Topics covered in 2022 included updates from our projects under construction, shareholder management and corporate governance, net zero climate strategy, DEIB, COP27, training on our annual goalsetting and development process, as well as presentations from business departments such as Digital, O&M, Release, IT, Hydropower, among others. 

GRI 404-3: Employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews

A performance development assessment is conducted for full time employees once a year, and this is supported by regular follow-up and communication throughout the year. The purpose of the assessment is to provide the employee with constructive feedback on performance development over the last review period to identify the employee’s strengths and discuss how these can be best utilised, to discuss areas for development and improvement, and to agree on targets for the forthcoming review period. The assessment must be impartial and comprise an open discussion between an employee and his or her manager.

The table below shows full time employees who took part in our annual Performance, Development and Appraisal (PDA) process in 2022, broken down by gender and employee category:

Full time541237778
People, Strategy & DigitalFinanceO&MSolutionsLegalSust, HSSE & Quality
Full time671402551302850
AsiaLATAM/ EuropeMENA/ Green H2Sub-Saharan AfricaReleaseTotal
Full time2624172219778

In line with our 2022 target, 100% of employees participated in the annual goal setting and development process.

GRI 405-1: Diversity of governance bodies and employees

The following table gives an overview of gender diversity and age range for the Board of Directors, Executive Management, headquarters in Norway and Company in total.

Gender - % femaleAge group - % in 2022
202220212020Under 3030-50Over 50
Board of Directors43%40%40%0%0%100%
Headquarters (Norway)41%42%47%8%74%18%
Total company30%29%30%16%73%11%

GRI 2-30: Collective bargaining agreements 

GRI 407-1: Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining might be at risk

The Company acknowledges freedom of association and collective bargaining as a labour right of all employees. Employees have the right to join labour unions or form workers’ organisations with the aim to engage the Company on common issues and conclude a collective agreement. 16% percent of the workforce are covered by collective bargaining agreements.

In countries where collective bargaining agreements are not in place, this is regulated by the employment contracts, internal and external benchmarking and a local personnel handbook in accordance with local labour laws. The Company’s Global HR policy and related procedures are applicable to all employees, emphasising fair salary levels in accordance with local laws and regulations. 

Scatec is not aware of any countries or local operations where the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining of our own workforce is at risk. 


Scatec uses the following methodology and definitions to report on our employee data.

  • Permanent employees: Headcount of full time employees and international assignments at the end of the reporting period
  • Temporary employees: Headcount of short term employees and consultants at the end of the reporting period
  • Full time employees: Headcount of full time, international assignments and short term employees at the end of the reporting period
  • Part time employees: Headcount of Consultants at the end of the reporting period
  • Turnover: Rate at which employees leave a workforce and are replaced. Calculated as the number of employees who left during the year / (number of employees at the beginning of the year + number of employees at the end of the year) / 2 x 100%
  • Diversity: The topic is far reaching and all-encompassing including but not limited to gender, religion, age, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, education, class, workplace seniority, profession, leadership style, communication style nor personality preferences.
  • Equity: Ensuring everyone has access to the same opportunities. Whereas equality means people is given the same resources or opportunities, equity recognises that each person has different circumstances and allocates necessary resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome.
  • Inclusion: Creating an environment where everyone can achieve their potential. People should be celebrated – not separated – for their differences. To bring their unique ideas, experiences and practices to life, people need to be empowered and included, starting with role models at the top.
  • Belonging: Our employees can thrive simply by being who they are. Being afraid of expressing yourself doesn’t foster efficiency nor a sense of creativity and innovation. We need a workplace which feels physiologically safe. Creating social connections will strengthen everyone’s ability to communicate and get work done.

Governing documents and related resources
