Scatec contributes to the global transition to a low carbon society through its renewable energy generation. The new technology and installations necessary for this transformation also causes climate impacts through production and operation of components and land use changes from solar, wind and hydro projects. We aim to limit the climate impacts in our value chain.
GRI 302-1 and 3: Energy
Scatec’s energy consumption consists of electricity from the grid and own production, as well as fuels for vehicles and equipment. Energy consumption and intensity is presented in the table below.
Type | Unit | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | Change 2021 - 2022 |
Energy consumption (electricity and fuel) 1) | MWh | 21,506 | 19,712 | 19,305 | 27,182 | 41% |
Electricity use | MWh | 13,953 | 16,660 | 15,527 | 16,721 | 8% |
Renewable electricity consumption (I-RECs) | MWh | 0 | 5,743 | 2,394 | 13,809 | 477% |
Electricity production (operational control) | GWh | 1,654 | 2,817 | 3,461 | 3,582 | 3% |
Energy consumption per unit of produced energy (operational control) 2) | GWh | 0.013 | 0.007 | 0.006 | 0.008 | 36% |
1)GRI 302-1
2)GRI 302-3
GRI 305-1, 2 and 3: Emissions
Scatec calculates and reports our GHG emissions according to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and our carbon inventory is divided into three main scopes of direct and indirect emissions. Our GHG emissions for 2019-2022 is presented in the table below.
Scope | Unit | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
Scope 1 | tCO2e | 1,987 | 1,011 | 1,237 | 3,131 |
Scope 2 (Location-based) | tCO2e | 6,657 | 8,875 | 8,690 | 8,357 |
Scope 2 (Market-based) | tCO2e | 6,682 | 6,106 | 7,508 | 800 |
Scope 3 | tCO2e | 345,035 | 175,867 | 28,951 | 1,468,943 |
- Purchased goods & services | tCO2e | 1,630 | 2,036 | 2,643 | 5,313 |
- Purchased capital goods | tCO2e | 327,749 | 168,241 | 19,626 | 1,451,834 |
- Well-to-tank: fuels/electricity | tCO2e | 2,759 | 2,759 | 3,202 | 3,208 |
- Upstream transportation | tCO2e | 8,953 | 1,393 | 827 | 3,535 |
- Waste generated | tCO2e | 78 | 68 | 93 | 11 |
- Business travel | tCO2e | 3,666 | 753 | 568 | 2,437 |
- Employee commuting | tCO2e | 201 | 294 | 912 | 1,574 |
- Investments (hydropower) | tCO2e | 0 | 0 | 1,080 | 1,031 |
Total Scope 1, 2 (market based) and 3 | tCO2e | 353,704 | 182,984 | 37,696 | 1,472,873 |
KPI performance against targets, 2019-2022:
KPI | Unit | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | Target 2030 |
GHG emissions (Scope 1 and 2) | tonnes CO2e | 3,930 | 8,745 | 7,117 | 8,669 | -97% |
GHG emissions intensity (Scope 3)3) | tonnes CO2e/GWh | 410 | 8 | 62 | 209 | -55% |
Deploying electric vehicles (EVs) on sites | sites w/EVs | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% |
Renewable electricity consumption (I-RECs) | % RE use | 83 | 15 | 34 | 0 | 100% |
3)GRI 305-4: GHG emissions intensity
GRI 305 descriptions
GRI 305-1: Direct (Scope 1) greenhouse gas emissions
GRI 305-2: Energy indirect (Scope 2) greenhouse gas emissions
GRI 305-3: Other indirect (Scope 3) greenhouse gas emissions